A Healthier Future – Action and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight outlines a number of measures that the Scottish Government proposes to take to improve the diet of the nation and achieve healthy weight across the population.
Watch TV coverage of the launch.
A Healthier Future – Action and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight outlines a number of measures that the Scottish Government proposes to take to improve the diet of the nation and achieve healthy weight across the population. Read and download it here.
The document proposes wide ranging action including:
- action on price promotions of junk food
- action on junk food advertising
- action on food purchases for consumption outside the home
- investment to support people with Type 2 diabetes to lose weight
- preventative services including information, advice and support for children and families on healthy eating
- practical support for small & medium sized food manufacturers to reformulate and develop healthier products
- a range of opportunities for people to be more active
- working with the public sector and a wide range of partners to support local improvement work on diet & weight
Read our response to the consultation launch.
The consultation closed on 31st January 2018.
During that period responses are invited via the Scottish Government consultation hub.
During the consultation period the Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) will also undertake a series of events in support of the overall engagement process. Find out more by visiting their site: https://www.scotphn.net/projects/diet-obesity-engagement-events/
Don't miss out! Get involved and provide your input to this important topic.