Our response to call for views on green recovery - August 2020

A green, just and resilient recovery has been highlighted by Governments across the world, including the Scottish Government, as essential in effectively responding to the current challenges of the COVID-19 health crisis (including the social and economic challenges).

A green, just and resilient recovery has been highlighted by Governments across the world, including the Scottish Government, as essential in effectively responding to the current challenges of the COVID-19 health crisis (including the social and economic challenges). The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee held an open Call for Views on green recovery, focusing on key actions for change needed to underpin an effective green recovery.

We argue that green recovery from COVID-19, food and the food system are vital and synergistic contributors to global health. There is a wealth of, and rapidly growing, evidence for including food and health considerations in recovery plans and plans to address the current crises. The current food system is threatening both human health and environmental sustainability. Improvements to the food system, food and national diet need to be a part of this.

Our response to this call for views can be found here

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Our response to call for views on green recovery