Our response to Scottish Government consultation on Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People - June 2022

The Scottish Government are holding a consultation on the development of a Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People. The consultation is seeking views on the implementation of a new integrated Health and Social Care Strategy.

The Scottish Government are holding a consultation on the development of a Health and Social Care Strategy for Older People. The consultation is seeking views on the implementation of a new integrated Health and Social Care Strategy. 

In our response, we outline the importance of understanding malnutrition as a continuum, based on the World Health Organisation definition, recognising the large numbers of older people living with overweight and obesity. We also highlight our Whole System Approach to diet and healthy weight work, emphasising the importance of taking a whole systems approach across the life course. It is important to ensure as many people as possible arrive at older age a healthy weight.

The consultation closes on 27th June 2022.