The Scottish Government are holding a consultation on the new Cancer Strategy for Scotland. The consultation is seeking views on the draft vision, aims and priority areas for cancer prevention and treatment in the short and long-term.
In our response, we highlight the importance of cancer prevention, and welcome inclusion of prevention in the draft Strategy document. Obesity is the largest preventable risk factor for cancer after smoking. To prevent overweight and obesity, and reduce incidence of cancer, actions should be focused on population-level public health measures which address the environmental and other wider social and economic determinants of overweight and obesity. This includes actions to address the availability, affordability and acceptability of unhealthy high fat, salt and sugar (HFSS) food and drink, and which make healthier food cheaper and more easily accessible.
We also highlight that there is no reference made to stigma in the draft Strategy document, which is a significant omission. Stigma, in particular weight stigma, is reported as being a significant barrier to accessing services and healthcare, and discourages people from engaging in behaviours known to improve health and reduce cancer risk. The Cancer Strategy therefore needs to acknowledge stigma, actively reference tackling stigma, and recognise that it is a barrier to accessing services, and the subsequent impact this could have on cancer prevention and inequalities in cancer incidence.
The consultation closes on 7th June 2022.