Our new analysis of primary school menus, that were available on the local authorities’ websites in summer 2019, shows that the menus were better in 2019 than in 2017 when we first conducted this analysis.
Compared to 2017, in 2019 primary school menus:
Additionally, councils that provided nutrition information appeared to have reduced sugar content in puddings. This is a good progress likely to result in children’s better health and wellbeing. It also brings school meals closer to the Scottish Dietary Goals.
However, there is still room for improvement. While some local authorities did very well, others can still learn from them. More authorities could offer soup and oily fish. Pizza, chips and puddings could be served less frequently, and nutrition information could be made available in more areas (only 7 local authorities offered this information). The good examples included in the report demonstrate this is possible.
We are calling for continued improvements around the four recommendations we published in 2017: