Why is WSA important for diet and healthy weight?

WSA moves away from short-term solitary inventions and shifts our thinking towards strategic and cross-sectoral efforts. These work in a complementary systematic way and maximise limited resources to facilitate change.

Ever since the work of Foresight [1] in 2007 obesity has been widely recognised as a complex issue.  An issue that required action across multiple policy areas and in numerous topics.   Whole System Approaches are an important way of tackling complexity.

Approaches using a Whole System Approach to Obesity have now been implemented across the nations within the UK and there is a lot of learning to draw from.

We have listed some links on the right of this page to help you find lots of useful information related directly to WSA in UK and beyond.

In June 2023 Obesity Action Scotland hosted an event that covered a breadth of topics including WSA activity in UK and internationally.  You can watch the three parts of this event below.



[1] Tackling Obesity; future choices, Foresight 


Associated links, blogs, videos and publications
What is a Whole System Approach?
Associated Content
UK HSA Harry Rutter Video
WSA Report Northern Ireland