The Scottish Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee is seeking written views to inform its inquiry on town centres and retail. The remit for the Inquiry is as follows:
"Identify the new realities of retail and ecommerce in Scotland and the resulting impact on town centres. What is the subsequent policy response needed to create living and resilient town centres?"
The Committee is seeking views on three areas - keeping town centres alive, the new realities of Scottish retail, and e-commerce activity in Scotland. In our submission, we focus on the first area - keeping town centres alive.
In our submission, we emphasis the important role of the food environment in creating resilient town centres which improve health and wellbeing; ensuring participation opportunities are culturally appropriate and free from stigma and that town centres are designed in inclusive ways; the importance of linkages with other policy areas, such as planning and draft NPF4; and recognising the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic both town centres and health and wellbeing outcomes of the population.
The call for views closes on 16th March 2022.