Our response to the Scottish Government's consultation on Good Food Nation Proposals for Legislation - April 2019

The Scottish Government's consultation on Good Food Nation proposals for legislation closed on 18th April 2019.

The Scottish Government's consultation on Good Food Nation proposals for legislation closed on 18th April 2019.

Please view our response to the consultation here.

While in our response we have mainly focused on the links between food and human health, links between food and other areas (i.e. environment, human and animal rights or community) are just as important. Because of this we are a member of the Scottish Food Coalition - a civil society coalition working to transform food system in Scotland to improve health and wellbeing of people, improve animal welfare, sustain wildlife, natural resources and environment. As the Scottish Food Coalition we have submitted a joint response to this consultation, it can be found here.


The illustration above shows the common drivers of the global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition and climate change that arise from within food, transport, urban design, and land use systems. It comes from The Global Syndemic - A Policy Brief that accompanied the recent Lancet Commission Report on the Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition and Climate Change.